The decision to move a parent or your loved one into an assisted living home is never an easy one, especially if they like doing things on their own. They have probably lived in the same house for a long time already and have many memories connected with it, raising children, seeing their grandchildren at holidays and more.

The decision can be just as hard on you determining your parents’ future. Admitting that your parent or loved one needs assisted living is also admitting that you are getting older also and recognizing your own mortality.

While it is never easy to tell if it is the right time for assisted living, recognizing the signs that your parents need help may mean it is time to talk about changing their living situation.

Here are some of the signs that your loved ones need assisted living care:

Parent Appears Depressed

For many, getting older is difficult, and for many can result in depression. The things like not being able to do things that they once enjoyed, dealing with daily aches and pains, and the frustration of not being able to remember things well add up. At an assisted living center trained professionals have experience with diagnosing seniors with depression and therapies to help them enjoy life again.

Parent is Losing Weight

You notice that your parent looks frail or their clothes start to look loose on them. There can be several reasons why a senior person loses weight, depression is a leading cause in the elderly, medications that cause diseases. Whatever the cause may be, an elderly person who loses weight unintentionally is at a higher risk for infection, depression and eventually death. Caregivers at assisted living facilities have experience with such needs of the elderly and can provide proper help.

Neglected Hygiene

Ignoring basic hygiene like bathing and shaving is a sign that these tasks have become too difficult for the elderly person. Wearing the same clothes repeatedly is also a sign that changing it is also a challenge. All assisted living facilities provide assistance with these basic tasks making residents lives easier.

Forgetting to Take Medication

They forget things, not remembering to take their medication is an even more serious result of memory loss. They may forget to take their medication, but what could be even more dangerous is forgetting that they have taken their prescription already, and take them more times which could result in an overdose. In an assisted living homes the specialists will take care of these daily tasks as well.

Frequent Injuries

Your parent may be having trouble with balance or strength to hold themselves. These mobility issues result in more falls which lead to frequent injuries. Assisted living facilities have security systems in each room so seniors can alert caregivers if they have fallen.

If you recognize even a few of these signs in your parent they may be ready for assisted living. They had a responsibility to raise you safely despite what you thought was best, you now have the same responsibility to make sure that your parent is taken care of and safe.