For many seniors and their families, transitioning to life in any type of senior living situation can be a new and difficult process. Whether seniors are moving to a retirement communityassisted living facility or nursing home, the first time any senior moves to one of these communities, it can be overwhelming. Chances are both seniors and their families are going to have a lot of questions about what to expect and how the entire process of moving to senior care actually works.

One of the first things that any seniors will do, no matter what type of assisted living facility they are moving to, is a needs assessment test. This assessment is designed to test an elderly individuals’ physical and cognitive health. This type of in-depth assessment is simply designed to help facilities better understand their new residents. The goal of this assessment is to help provide each resident with the best, most personalized care possible. They will look for information in the following areas:

Behavioral Condition

Most facilities will take a general look at a senior’s behavior. This means that the senior is able to comply with the facility’s policies, respond to direction by staff and show respect to other residents, staff members and to the property. The goal is to make sure that the senior won’t be jeopardizing the health and safety of any other person in their current living situation.

Mental Condition

This area of the assessment will be conducted to assess a person’s cognitive and mental condition and whether or not they are experiencing confusion or dementia. This way, the staff and entire team can be ready to provide specific care that can adhere to their cognitive state.

Medical Needs

The medical needs assessment will typically include everything from a look at past medical history to health issues and conditions ranging from arthritis, cancer and heart issues to diabetes and digestive disorders. They will also look for vision and hearing problems and incontinence, all in an effort to ensure arrangements are made to provide the best care possible for seniors.

This portion of the assessment will also include information on medications administered by the residents and medications that the on-staff nurse may need to administer.

Needs for Special Support

Some seniors require special support from staff members. This can be a special diet, assistance with oxygen, or the need for a staff member to push their wheelchair to meals. Any type of special support requirements will be documented during the needs assessment.

Personal Care and Hygiene Needs

Some residents may need help with personal care, bathing, hygiene, grooming and using the rest room. This information will be documented during the needs assessment portion and included in their care plan.

While every needs assessment will likely be different, the goal of these tests is to make sure that the resident in question is getting the care and attention that they need from the moment that they start living in their new community.